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MBF Founder Jay Erlich 


During my years at McMaster, largely because of volunteer experiences, I discovered where I want to begin my working career. This led me to enroll in the Graduate program Sport and Event Marketing at George Brown College. In the future I want to work in professional sports, music and Not for Profits.

I spent 10 years at McMaster on Varsity sport teams. I spent a year as an athlete on the Varsity Rugby team. This team went on to win an OUA championship, and I had the opportunity to learn from brilliant coaches. Several players went on to represent Canada at different levels. Because of injury I was forced to retire, but I tried out for the Varsity squash team and made it the following year. At the end of the season, my coach recommended I try competing at Nationals. I placed third in the C category. I spent 3 years on the Varsity squash team and during that time I also spent a season as the press officer for the Varsity Rugby team. This led me to Basketball. I tried out for the team, but did not make it the following season; however, the coach offered me the opportunity to manage the team. I was able to train athletes on the team in addition to my manager duties. I won the Bruce Cochrane Award, given by the McMaster Athletic department for my hard work in a support role.  I worked for the Varsity Basketball team for 5 seasons. I was also able to take on responsibilities such as running social media for the team.


As an aspiring musician with a passion for writing & composing, I am currently working on my first studio album. By volunteering with the not-for-profit War Child, I have acted as MC and have played gigs with all proceeds going to charity. Recently, I have begun studying with the Music Therapy Academy based out of Hamilton, Ontario. My goal is to pursue combining my abilities as a singer/songwriter/performer to produce songs about Music Therapy to raise funds and awareness for children in need.  In the future I will be releasing original music for individuals to purchase and proceeds will go to War Child Canada among other not for profits. 

As a professional Marketing Consultant, I believe in creating partnerships with a purpose and always striving for significant outcomes for my clients brand awareness. My working background is in sport, music, restaurants and working for the not-for-profit industry. From creating a digital strategy to reaching important milestones, my job is to guide you on the path of success.

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